Friday, August 28, 2009

River Festival

July 24th, 2009 we went to the city's River Festival. Great activities and excellent people watching. The most interesting moment happened as we were walking in. There was a group of rough characters hanging out around the perimeter of the festivities, Ammon gave me a 2 second heads up "Gavin is going to approach THAT guy." Before me was a man who had spent quite a bit of effort to look like the kind of man your mother did not want you hanging out with. He had large tattoos covering his body, piercings in odd places, long hair, long beard, funny mustache and a bandana covering the top of his head. This man had lost his left arm in a motorcycle accident…so my son walks right on up to him and starts up a conversation “Hi Captain Hook! I’m Gavin.” Yes, there in place of his left hand was a rather large hook. Clearly this man did not realize how cool this would make him with the three year olds. Gavin proceeded to ask him of the whereabouts of Peter Pan & Tinkerbell. You could just hear this man’s thoughts “I am one scary guy, what the heck are you two thinking?” As he looks confusedly from the overly confident toddler to the rather idiotic parents who don’t know how to graciously exit the situation without offending an opposing gang. Captain Hook laughed, shook “hands” with Gavin and announced to his band of surrounding “pirates” that Gavin was one tough little dude. Gavin told Captain Hook he’d see him later in Neverland… I did not get a picture because I was too scared to think that 4th dimensionally.
Ammon & Gavin suiting up to ride kayaks at the River Festival.
My boys taking the river by storm!
Emi did not like the look of where this was going.
Maybe next year she'll be able to see over her lifevest.

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Are you guys ever not doing something fun?? Makes me want to move to OR!