Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Fan Day-2009

We are gearing up for DUCK season!
Krystal and her husband Will are Gavin & Emilia's Nursery Leaders.
Awe! Aren't they cute?
Will & Krystal are exceptionally kind to our kids.
We couldn't ask for nicer leaders for our kids. Will is a team captain this year and an awesome defensive end, he's on the Ted Hendrick's watch list for top defensive linemen for the nation...Will is also amazingly modest so you have to look up cool things about him because you won't hear it from him.
What do you think Teague? Freshman? Tight end, right? Gonna see any field time?
We're kind of rookies ourselves, have any suggestions?
Hey Diante...can I ask you something?
How come wide receivers aren't very wide?
This autograph concept is giving me a GREAT idea...
Lokombo! Kalmani! Littlejohn! Turner!
Take notes on this play I just came up with...

Put me down!! I've got to put this play into action!
Oh! This looks like fun!
They get to yell and they don't go to timeout?
This yelling thing is awesome sign me up!
Unless the Ducks need a receiver...
At last an opportunity to try my brilliant play idea...
Excuse me miss, may I please have your autograph?
(That's right guys...I told you it was good!!)
Ah, the elusive smile that only shows upon the arrival of a spectacular balloon hat.
Another successful FAN DAY!

1 comment:

Jodee said...

I loved this post!