Wednesday, September 09, 2009

First Day of School

Yesterday we went to preschool to meet Gavin's teacher, to find his cubby, and see where he sits. I have rather mixed feeling about this big step in Gavin's life. I have always enjoyed the time I've been able to spend with him and I know I'm going to miss having my little guy around. I'm glad it is only for a few hours a week at this point, I know he's going to thrive... *sigh* it's just hard on me. I couldn't be prouder of him. I know he is smart, confident, and outgoing.
Look out world...Here Comes GAVIN!
His seat.
His cubby.
Today was his official first day of school!
They had a teddy bear picnic so Gavin got to bring his friend Monkey.
Dropping Gavin off at preschool went great, he didn't look back...he bounded through the doors with all of that crazy Henrikson confidence and quickly started playing with the other kids. Miss Emilia had an epic fit. There is something terribly unfair about leaving a big brother in a place that looks like SO much fun. "WHERE'S MY GABBIN!!" "NOOOOO!! I WANT MY GABBIN!!" pretty rough. Emi kept me distracted enough to keep me from my own sobbing goodbyes. I'm looking forward to being able to spend this one on one time with Emilia. I'm not as much fun as a big brother but I'm hoping Emi will give me a chance.

Gavin with his teacher Mrs. Robert.
"I like school.
I went on a treasure hunt for honey with my friends.
I ate teddy bear cookies.
I used the potty.
Look at my teddy bear hat!"


Heather said...

Jen, did you make his backpack? That is AWESOME!

Jen said...

Gymboree. I know you're suprised. I'd be happy to donate it for reverse engineering research.

Elsa Andrew said...

How exciting for Gavin! Yesterday was Eliot's first day of First Grade. Now both kids are in school everyday, all day. There are no legos anywhere on the floor. It is a little too quiet. Hope you are all doing great!